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At Dream Interpret, we fervently believe in guiding you toward deciphering the enigmatic messages embedded within your dreams. With a devoted team of experts, we endeavor to furnish you with the most exhaustive dream interpretation resources imaginable.

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Our dream dictionary serves as your compass in navigating the intricate landscapes of dream symbolism. Immerse yourself in a vast repository of symbols and their interpretations, granting you profound insights into the recesses of your subconscious.

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Unveil the veiled narratives of your dreams through our comprehensive resources on dream interpretation. Whether you're a novice or an adept analyst, our content will enrich your comprehension of the ethereal realm of dreams.

Months of the year

When dreaming about a particular month, a dreamer should explore some of the outside influences that...

Tips for translating dream symbolism

Dream symbol meaning is specific to each dreamer, and it can even vary from dream to dream for the s...

Reflections on the Butterfly Dream

In the hushed chambers of slumber, I once found myself entranced within a reverie where I, a butterfly, danced upon the zephyrs, knowing nothing but the pure ecstasy of my fluttering existence. Wrapped in the ephemeral cloak of the butterfly, I knew naught of my human self. But then, as dawn's gentle fingers stirred me from my nocturnal odyssey, I awoke to the stark reality of my human form. Now, ensconced in wakefulness, I ponder: was I truly a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or am I now, in this waking life, but a butterfly dreaming of humanity?


The People in Your Dreams. Whether the person portrayed is a family member, friend, stranger, or someone rich and famous, each carries a unique message.


The most common purpose of a dream person is to mirror your own behavior and traits.

DREAM EXAMPLE: MY SISTER BEHAVED BADLY. A woman dreamed of her sister having a temper tantrum. In real life, her sister was capable of a grand explosion or two. The dreamer noted how insensitive her sister appeared in the dream as she spewed venomous words, and she suddenly remembered the verbal mudslinging that she, herself, had engaged in with a co-worker, the previous day. She realized that the dream scene described her, not her sister. Though normally professional and constructive, the previous day she lost her cool and her dream mirrored how she had appeared to coworkers. The dream made her realize that a kind word would have gone much further to resolve the situation than anger. When you see someone behaving badly in a dream, take a breath and fess up. In the end, most of the people that you dream about signify parts of yourself.


A DREAM PERSON AS A MIRROR OF YOU. “Projection” is a psychological term that describes how easy it is to see—in others—what you hide about yourself. Take the driver on the highway who weaves in and out of lanes, shouting at others about driving too slow or being in the wrong lane. He notices others’ poor driving habits but is blind to his own. That is called projection. Instead of glaring at your own fault, you notice it in others.

Most people hate to admit to shortcomings like having a bad temper, eating or drinking too much, or not living up to their ideals. As you conveniently push away negative images of self in a dream, you let an actor “stand in” for you, to demonstrate the negative behavior that you hide from yourself. To further distance yourself from the flawed person that you don’t want to recognize as really you—the stand-in takes on the appearance of a family member, a friend, or a stranger.

To explore how a dream person can mirror you, try this exercise. It is named the “Two Plus Two” game because you select two qualities and two shortcomings in a main dream character and then explore those traits in yourself. This is how it goes.


• Select a prominent dream character who appeared in a recent dream. Choose someone who confused you or stimulated an intense reaction.

• Without thinking too much about it, list two positive traits and two negative traits about the dream person.

• Even if the dream character is a stranger or a well-known person who you do not know, you still have a notion of what they are like from their actions, appearance, and body language. Base your selections on those impressions and your reactions to the dream character.

• If the person is someone you know, list their actual traits that come to mind.

2. COULD THIS BE YOU? After listing the dream character’s positive and negative traits, be bold. Examine the same traits in yourself.

See which ones, if any, might apply to you at this time. Keep in mind that a trait may be relevant to you for only a limited time, or relate to you only in a specific situation. For example, you may normally be talkative, yet when troubled, you brood in silence. As a result, even though friends may describe you as chatty, a dream about a quiet person might portray you during a troubled phase.

3. BUT … WHAT IF THE PERSON IS NOT A MIRROR? After taking a good look, if you can sincerely conclude that the dream person’s traits do not match yours, the character may not be a mirror of your traits or actions. Examine the alternative options about what dream characters may represent, as listed below.


Most of the time a dream person mirrors your personality and actions. However, there are exceptions. When a dream person does not fit as a mirror, explore these alternatives.

Alternative 1 of a Dream Person Who Is Not a MirrorCHARACTERS MAY BE ACTING OUT A RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC. Whether a dream relates to your relationship with a boss, an associate, family member, friend, or a love interest, people in dreams sometimes indicate how that relationship is going. Never ignore the story line; the story line is your first indication of who or what the dream is about. How characters behave in the dream plus the story line can unveil hidden motives, show how others see you, and reveal hidden agendas—yours and theirs.

When, in real life, you feel confused about a relationship, look for a dream that may mirror what is going on and shines a spotlight on the situation. A dream about a relationship can advise you how to handle others or invite y...

Common Dream Interpretations

Snake Dream Meaning
Apple Dream Meaning
Dog Dream Meaning
Death Dream Meaning
Coffin Dream Meaning
Water Dream Meaning
Fire Dream Meaning
Money Dream Meaning
Cow Dream Meaning
Baby Dream Meaning
Sea Dream Meaning
Shoes Dream Meaning
Fish Dream Meaning
Car Dream Meaning
Cake Dream Meaning
Hair Dream Meaning
Blood Dream Meaning
Cat Dream Meaning
Numbers Dream Meaning
Train Dream Meaning
Horse Dream Meaning
Lion Dream Meaning
Wedding Dream Meaning
Flying Dream Meaning
House Dream Meaning
Snow Dream Meaning
Gun Dream Meaning
Pregnant Dream Meaning
Duck Dream Meaning
Falling Dream Meaning
Blue Dream Meaning
Bus Dream Meaning
Twins Dream Meaning
Rain Dream Meaning
Eye Dream Meaning
Mother Dream Meaning
Dancing Dream Meaning
Teeth Dream Meaning
Bear Dream Meaning
Friend Dream Meaning
Green Dream Meaning

'If the dream is a translation of waking life, waking life is also a translation of the dream.'
René Magritte
"Sleep is the balm for hurt minds, nature’s great second course."
William Shakespeare

sleeping boy

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